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Differently Villa


Courage, passion, independence, coherence, and honesty are the core values that have defined the winery's philosophy since 1960, based on principles and pillars that have supported, support, and will continue to support every step, purpose, and mission of Villa Franciacorta.

Protection and enhancement of the great terroir

Zoning from the beginning, started in the 1960s, led to the selection of the most suitable soils out of the 100 hectares of owned land, to the current surface of 40 hectares under vine. The remaining hectares consist of woodland, arable land, walnut trees, hedges, with the aim of protecting biodiversity, which ensures the necessary balance for the survival and health of the place. Each parcel hosts varieties and clones chosen according to the micro-terroir that houses them. Protection against building abuse has created the conditions to preserve this place, and careful agronomic practices have increased its value.

Biodiversity protection

The remaining non-vine hectares are woodland, arable land, walnut trees, hedges, aimed at preserving biodiversity, which ensures the necessary balance for the survival and health of the place.

Exclusive use of own grapes

The use of only grapes from its own production is given by the awareness of having grapes whose quality is guaranteed not only by the noble terroir, but also by the age of the vines that originate them, the great variety of the different plots and the control of the entire supply chain to guarantee the wholesomeness and goodness of the raw material.
Knowing one by one their soils and their fruits allows them to intuit their potential and facilitate the creation of blands destined to give birth to unique wines of great character and strongly identity. are able to give birth to wines different from each other thanks also to the great variety of the different plots, unique wines , of great character and at the same time strongly identity.

Control of the entire supply chain

Putting our face on it means guaranteeing the entire process: from grafting to bottling, and even more constantly responding to our actions in terms of customer care.

All production is Vintage

Each bottle of Villa Franciacorta wine comes out of the winery with the vintage. No blends of wines from different years are made, avoiding standardization with this choice. "Only vintages!" is our claim, and the wines of VILLA FRANCIACORTA always reflect the reference year's expression and, in their uniqueness, reflect the great terroir's ability to mitigate the extreme periods of very hot and dry weather. The vintage that reports the harvest year on each bottle of Villa Franciacorta is made possible by the Consortium thanks to the exclusive use of grapes from that year and a minimum period of 30 months on lees, which at Villa Franciacorta is at least 36 months, a necessary condition for a bottle to bear the winery's name.

Exclusively handmade processing

Each bottle is touched at least 100 times before arriving at the table! Franciacorta processing is entirely done by hand, from the grape harvest to the selection before pressing, from the stacking of each individual bottle, placed one by one in a stack to fill niches of about 80,000 bottles each, where they will rest for years on the lees, to the moment of remuage. This too is done entirely by hand: 16,000 bottles loaded onto racks (pupitres) that are rotated by one-eighth of a turn each day for 14 days, moving from a horizontal to a vertical position, following the ancient tradition and art of remuage. The mark on the bottom of each of our bottles is the tangible emblem of this process.

Indigenous patented yeasts of Villa Franciacorta

Villa Franciacorta stands out from the crowd by using their own patented native yeasts under the Villa brand, which have been strongly characterized and protect biodiversity even in the cellar, thanks to years of research and innovation. This fermentation, which can be defined as spontaneous, has a protocol that ensures absolute quality results.

Organic Certification

Since always, the philosophy of cultivating the land, using organic fertilizers, performing non-invasive treatments, and leaving the vineyards uncultivated has been pursued with the aim of producing a healthy and high-quality product.
Being certified organic since 2017 was a way to have an independent third party verify what Villa Franciacorta has always done, providing an additional guarantee to consumers. We strongly believe in concrete actions that make us organic, rather than just displaying the label as a flag.

Environmental Production Certification ISO 14001

Paying attention to the countryside, the fruit, the environment, and the people has led Villa Franciacorta to obtain an environmental production certification for their process. Since 2015, Villa Franciacorta has been certified with ISO 14001, a globally recognized certification with strict standards. This is not just a piece of paper, but a continuous process of improvement that encourages the entire company to be proactive and set new ambitious environmental goals.

Circular Economy

The pomace produced during pressing is partly sent to a nearby distillery for grappa production, while the remaining waste is composted. The largest portion is stored on-site for use as a soil improver the following year, completing the circular economy loop.


