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Differently Villa


In the era of technological and technical progress, of reckless growth that focuses exclusively on economic performance and standardization, we believe it is important to preserve the cultural identity of our traditions, the Values that have permeated this place.

For this reason, we have drawn up an alphabet of Values, principles that are essential to us, which guide our vision.


The highest of all values, capable of ennobling what we do, is Love. Love for the earth leads us to protect it and take care of it, Love for Nature leads us to let it express itself freely in its biodiversity, to receive its best fruit. Only by doing things with Love, using our hearts, can we act and work without compromises.


Being consistent with one's beliefs and philosophy: using only our own grapes, producing only vintage wines, using an artisanal method, using indigenous yeasts, having control over the entire production process, these are the pillars of a modus operandi that is carried out with Coherence even in difficult years. We are aware that grapes of great value, generated from vineyards with an average age of 25 years, but also from vineyards that reach the age of 45 years, are the distinctive feature of a great winery like Villa Franciacorta.

We are free to make our choices without commercial constraints, because we only answer to those who have always trusted our modus operandi. For us, the freedom to choose is a fundamental value that allows us to be consistent with our philosophy and to produce authentic and high-quality wines.

In difficult years such as 2017, when a frost steals over 80% of the harvest, being consistent with our philosophy means not buying grapes, being aware of the loss of income, but at the same time guaranteeing the absolute quality and honesty of the product, so as never to betray the trust of those who believe in us.


Each collaborator is equally important and therefore the healthiness of the workplace and the quality of life of each of them are fundamental. Our team is made up of people to whom we dedicate the utmost attention, even when personal needs arise that go beyond normal work agreements. We believe that the human relationship is the added value of a shared project and for this reason we are committed to creating a serene and inclusive work environment.


Work Ethics is an absolute priority for us and it extends to many areas, not just within the company, but also throughout the territory to which we belong. We believe it is important to adopt a correct behavior towards our customers and other companies. For this reason, we are committed to promoting a culture of social and environmental responsibility, implementing sustainable practices that respect the environment and the local community. In this way, we want to contribute to creating a better future for everyone.


Justice, honesty, and transparency towards customers and employees is our way of "putting our face into it!" Every decision is carefully considered and pursued with two unique objectives: the goodness and healthfulness of the product, so that the wine is not only good but also ethically "RIGHT." This is due to the social impact that every phase of the production process inherently carries and, therefore, cannot disregard a particular sensitivity in the analysis of the context. Justice is the value that identifies our wine because it embodies all the guarantees of meticulous, transparent, and honest work.


Honest Work that unites us in the wonderful project of creating a great product. Shared Work, sometimes difficult, occasionally wasted, but not useless. Work that creates and makes you grow. That Work thanks to which you can leave a mark. Work, so much Work, that a bottle hides inside its precious nectar, but that we always spare no effort to seek the best. The Work of selecting the lands, the varieties, the clones, the vineyard management, the harvest, the winemaking... Work, Work, Work... countless voices, hours, days, years, before being able to taste a Villa Franciacorta wine. It is precisely the Work, the exaggerated care for every single detail, that speaks of the love with which we operate and makes Villa Franciacorta a great company.


We are free to act, free from market conditioning. Free to pursue growth according to an optimal scale defined not in terms of efficiency but of environmental sustainability. For us, the Freedom to choose is a fundamental value that allows us to be consistent with our philosophy and to produce authentic and high-quality wines. The Freedom to dream, to follow one's heart and intuitions, allows us to be honest entrepreneurs, never betraying the trust of all those who believe in us.


Respect for the place.

Villa presents itself today with the same charm as in 1500. Alessandro Bianchi, the true "Genius Loci," has been able to interpret the essence of this place by restoring the old village not only in full Respect of its true soul but also managing to do even more: enhance it!

Respect for the soil is an absolute priority for Villa Franciacorta, as it represents the matrix that gives the fruit, and to form even just a centimeter of fertile soil, it takes from 100 to 1000 years. This non-renewable natural resource is a heritage of biodiversity and a carbon sink, whose correct management can contribute to the fight against climate change. From this point of view, Villa Franciacorta represents a virtuous example of how, since 1970, countless cellars have been excavated under the hill, without building even one cubic meter, avoiding soil theft and protecting it from unauthorized construction. This pioneering choice of sustainable development has characterized and continues to characterize the entire history of Villa Franciacorta, costly but ethically and visually commendable. In every phase of the production process, Villa Franciacorta demonstrates the utmost Respect for nature and the environment, guaranteeing the highest quality of the final product.


The geographic area where Villa Franciacorta is located is rich in many aspects: the climate has unique characteristics, and the soil is characterized by natural, physical, and chemical conditions. The cold currents that blow from the Valle Camonica and Valle Trompia at night allow for significant temperature variations, the optimal exposure of the various plots that allow for the right fruit ripening, the presence of vines of different clones that create enormous variety, the average age of which is over 25 years, of marine origin marls and clays, controlled herbaceous cover, the presence of a suitable percentage of organic matter, and commendable biodiversity in the soil, which gives it an unmatched added value. These peculiarities give rise to a unique and immeasurable Terroir, which Villa Franciacorta best valorizes through its wines. For over half a century, in fact, the wines of this winery have been a banner of the great potential of this place.


In the age of technical and technological progress, of unbridled growth focused solely on economic performance and homogenization, we believe it is important to preserve the cultural identity of our Traditions, the values that have permeated the lives of our ancestors. Protecting this place means continuing to keep Tradition alive, which is the transmission over time, from one generation to the next, of memories, information, testimonies, and ways of doing things that make a place unique, whether oral or written. The protection and passage of a cultural heritage through time and generations are, for us, the foundations of an ethical and sustainable development that starts from concrete and consolidated bases over time.

Tradition, therefore, to better face the future, to innovate without forgetting!


The nature, which is a training ground for life, teaches us to be humble.

So much hard work can be swept away in an instant, and a harvest can be compromised by fierce weather phenomena. The full awareness of not having total control tempers us, makes us resilient, and always ready to start over, always trying to accommodate and interpret nature to help it express itself to the fullest. It took centuries to select resistant species, and by caring for them, we respect their timing and reject genetic manipulations and standardization. Only in this way, our wine, the product of our love, passion, and competence, can be considered good and, thanks to the "honest" fruit from which it originates, also fair.


